Monday, July 21, 2008

Day 27

Let's see...last Monday we had a bit of a scare, but nothing happened. Payton Claire is still doing wonderfully cooking in my belly!! Last Monday they also moved me to post partum becuase Labor and Delivery was overflowing with patients actually having babies. It has been very different down here...I miss my L&D nurses. My doctor says she thinks I'm going to make it to my 34 week mark and as of a week ago, Payton was weighing in at an estimated 3.7 pounds. At 34 wks, I get to go home!! woohoo, only thing I will probably just turn right back around and deliver. I am starting to get bored. I have things to do, but after almost 30 days of sitting in the bed doing nothing it gets old. Other than that we are all doing great. Maddyson is in a cheer camp at school and is having a blast. She is so cute doing her little cheers and dances. She is loving it. Brandon is very busy at work learning new programs for his mapping position as well as doing his current job. He is also doing a great job with doing both our roles. His birthday is on Friday too and this will be the first time I don't get to have a big party for him. But I guess it is for good reason. I got him a great gift though!! We will keep you all posted on the progress.

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